If you’ve ever crossed the Noordbrug, you’ll no doubt have seen the nearby industrial building topped with a striking gold-coloured crown. That’s Texture, a modern museum devoted to the flax industry that made Kortrijk a thriving trading city during the 19th century. The Leie was then affectionately known as the “golden river”. Hence the gold-coloured finish on the museum. In Texture you can see how flax was made into attractive textiles and how the industry put Kortrijk on the world map over the centuries. Entry is free on the first Sunday of every month. On other days, students pay €4. The cosy museum bar is also worth a visit. Once a month you can enjoy live jazz there!

The Begijnhofpark is home to the tourist office, but also hosts the multi-media museum Kortrijk 1302. This academic year is your last chance to visit the museum. But don’t worry! There’ll be a brand-new concept opening on the same site. Exciting times!
