Make an appointment here with staff of STUVO's psychological and social services (scroll down for their contact inforrmation; beneath each photo is a link to their online agenda).

Once you've made an appointment:

1/ Come to STUVO, Doorniksesteenweg 145Make an appointment here with staff of STUVO's psychological and social services (scroll down for their contact inforrmation; beneath each photo is a link to their online agenda). in Kortrijk at the scheduled day and time;

2/ Sign in at our reception. If the front door is closed, ring the bell and wait a few moments;

3/ The STUVO team member you have an appointment with will come get you and take you to his or her office. If you have an appointment on the first floor of our building, you may have to wait a few moments in one of the seats.

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Lorum ipsum

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Bietje Nottebaere

Campus Kortrijk
Sociale Dienst

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Maud Verhelst

Campus Kortrijk
Sociale Dienst

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Jessica Vandooren

Campus Kortrijk
Sociale Dienst

  056 26 41 84

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Ine Waelkens

Campus Kortrijk
Sociale Dienst

  056 26 41 84

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Griet Douchy

Campus Kortrijk
Sociale Dienst

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Annelies Dutoict (tijdelijk afwezig)

Campus Kortrijk
Sociale Dienst

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Albert Storme

Campus Kortrijk
Psychologische dienst

  056 26 41 84

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Amelie Callewaert

Campus Kortrijk
Psychologische dienst

  056 26 41 84

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Lisa Roman

Campus Kortrijk
Psychologische dienst

  056 26 41 84

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Chesney Deleu

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Steve Vangroenweghe

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Patricia Ryssaert

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Lien Reyns

Campus Kortrijk
Huisvesting Onthaal

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Delphine Ghekiere

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Hans Dhondt

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Erik Deleu

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Filip Van Den Heuvel

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Hinde Qnioun

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84

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Carl Catrysse

Campus Kortrijk

  056 26 41 84
