In a perfect world, there wouldn't be such a thing as transgressive behaviour, but in reality it's something that unfortunately occurs wherever people gather together. We define transgressive behaviour as any speech or action by another person that inflicts physical, psychological or material damage. This can be a wide variety of things: bullying, insults, discrimination, physical aggression, unwanted advances,... Which behaviour crosses the line can differ from person to person and the 'culprit' is not always aware of its effect.

It's important to report transgressive behavious so we can intervene. To achieve this, VIVES has launched a 'meldpunt' (reporting instance) that you can reach at this link: We take every report seriously and treat everything with complete discretion. We make sure reports are professionally followed up on and search for solutions in consultation with you. You can report behaviour by fellow students, but also by employees or visitors of the campus. Our specialised colleagues respect professional confidentality, treat your report discreetly and only take further action if you are in agreement.

The consequences of your report are also in your hands. Maybe you only want to flag certain behaviours so we can take them into account for future policy: no problem! Maybe you just want to tell your story and don't wish for any further action to be take - this is also a possibility. But continued follow-up action, mediation or disciplinary procedures are also an option. Any action is only taken with your express permission.
You don't have to worry about making a report: you remain in full control and we will always respect your privacy.
