Individual counseling

If necessary, we can direct you to another service or to a private therapist. We do this with your agreement if extra help is needed, or if practical circumstances make it difficult for you to make use of STUVO's services.

Under certain conditions, you may receive financial support for this assistance.

Psychological evaluation

Some students would benefit from educational and examination facilities. These are granted in agreement with the study trajectory counselor (STB) of your department if you can present a valid attestation. This is mainly intended for students with a learning disability such as dyslexia or a developmental disorder such as ADHD. If you've never been diagnosed, do get tested first. If agreed upon by your STB, STUVO can intervene financially up to a maximum amount of €220. You can obtain more information about this by speaking to your STB. You can find more info about your STB here.

Borrowing software

Students at RHIZO HBO5 Nursing with a facilities contract can borrow software (Sprinto, Kurzweil) from STUVO for free for one year. This can be prolonged if necessary. For more information about this, please e-mail
